More Mexico Memories

Part 2

When we arrived in Loreto, of course many memories from last year came flooding back. When I was at home it seemed like it had been forever since I’d been there. Now that I was there it seemed like it was only yesterday.

Its hard to decide what to limit my stories and memories too. Everything from food to people are worth writing about. I had really missed my cousins. We’ve always been close, but living with a family for 2 months causes you to get to be about as close as cousins can be. Ethan, the cousin who was born 2 days before I left last year, was now a toddling 1 year old. And did I mention, even more adorable?

Getting together with the church family was definitely a highlight. They welcomed me back as if they’d known me forever. They did the same for my family.

Probably one of the most memorable things that happened while I was there, is that this family informed me that they had named their baby girl, Kaylene. Being foreign and different sounding I guess they had grown to like it. I was pretty honored and excited about that. I assumed they were going to spell it different being that the pronunciations are different in Spanish, but I was surprised to find out a few days ago that they had decided to spell it the same way. Just a fun tid-bit. And I should mention she’s about the sweetest-natured, cutest little girl in Mexico. Curly hair, huge brown eyes, long lashes… . Of course there’s no reason that I would be biased in that opinion. But I’ve got about 20 pictures to prove it. (see above)

The Sunday we were there church was pretty emotional. It was my Uncle’s family last Sunday there, and the people were very sad though very understanding that the leadership of the church was their responsibility now. They acknowledged that their dependence was on Christ not my Uncle or themselves. I think it was extremely rewarding for my Uncle and his family to see. As person after person gave testimony I was inspired to serve as a missionary like never before (how ever it be, in whatever capacity). My Uncle had over 15 years ( 5 of them there in Loreto) of his life in Mexico. He’s learned the language, become a part of the culture, all for the sake of Christ. He’s the furthest away from anyone I’ve ever known, to wasting his life. I was definitely challenged to follow Christ and seek for accomplishment and success in the name of Christ and not my own.

I wish I could adequately describe the sacrifice the Christians have made in order to follow Christ. Some have given up good relations with family, reputation, and more, all in order to follow hard after God. There's no walking the line--its all or nothing. Its something that's hard to appreciate until you hear their personal testimonies, which they love to share.

I hope I get to go back, meanwhile I'm praying for my friends there. That God will keep them strong in the faith.


0 Reflections:

The Face

view Kaylene's profile
When I am faithless, He is faithful.
When mine fail, His plans prevail.
When I fail, His mercy endures.
Without Him, I am nothing.

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